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+48 32 786 40 50

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Main office

6, Krzywa St. Katowice

Clinical research

Our many years of experience facilitate comprehensively managing the research in accordance with the requirements of Good Clinical Practice and all applicable laws.


For over 20 years, Europharma has supported the activities of pharmaceutical companies in monitoring the safety of medicinal products after authorization and obtaining complete and reliable data after entering the market, by conducting safety research.

Non-interventional observational studies

Observational research includes analytical research such as cohort, case-control, cross-sectional, and descriptive research (case reports or case series). This type of research does not require approval from a bioethics committee.


Our pharmacovigiliance department is engaged in the collection and analysis of data submitted by authorized entities of adverse drug reactions (ADR)


Care about


Safety and proper compliance with the law are of great importance to us, so in order to assure compliance with all standards of the European Union, as well as in host countries, we have adopted internal procedures prepared with close consultations of leading law firms specializing in pharmaceutical law.


In our activities the patients’ welfare is paramount. From this idea was born the conception of creating the universal system that allows the reporting of adverse drug reactions not only by healthcare providers, but also by patients themselves.


We have done almost 50 such research projects, with a total population of about 500,000 patients.